Find or become a tutor with Nimbus Learning

Nimbus helps you find a tutor approved and vetted by your institution. Get help to succeed in your courses today!

What students are saying
about Nimbus Learning

The truth is in the numbers

0 %
of students said they feel more confident with course material since they started receiving tutoring through the Nimbus platform
0 /5 stars

Students say they find it easier to manage stress related to their academic work since starting tutoring through the Nimbus platform

0 %

of students report grade increases after accessing a tutoring program hosted on Nimbus.

0 /5 stars

Majority of students rate their overall satisfaction with the Nimbus platform a 4 or 5 out of 5

Here's how to book a tutor


Select your school and find a tutor for your desired course.


Chat with your tutor to discuss a time and place to meet.


Connect online or in person and learn!

Why become a tutor?


From session planning to communication and leadership — build transferable skills that will give you a leg up in the job market.


Connect with professors, admininstration and students in your program


Use reviews and written feedback to boost your portfolio, attract new clients and prove your abilities wheny you apply to that next job.

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    A phone open to the Nimbus Learning app and on the page of an AMS Tutor Profile. Nimbus Learning offers marketing, recruitment, scheduling, payment services. Trusted by over 250,000 students and program administrators.